Zebras Unite: Tokyo Chapter


Tokyo Zebras Uniteとは

社会へのインパクトを生み出そうとする起業家への投資を行ってきた田淵と陶山がZebras Uniteのコンセプトに共感しTokyo Zebras Uniteを立ち上げました。


世界的なムーブメントであるZebras UniteのローカルチャプターとなるTokyo Zebras Uniteは、日本のゼブラ起業家やゼブラ起業家へ投資を検討されたい方、その他ゼブラに関わる支援者、研究者、政策関係者等のコミュニティです。


Tokyo Zebras Uniteは以下の3つを目指します。



3.Zebras Uniteや世界のゼブラ企業に関係する

スクリーンショット 2020-12-16 135450.png





8.2 『ゼブラ企業カルチャー入門』を出版しました
6.16 「ゼブラ企業推進」が「骨太の方針」として国家戦略に明記されました。
4.19 Tokyo Zebras Unite共同創設者の田淵が「Cartier Women's Conference」に登壇しました。
3.15 PIVOTにてZebras Unite共同創業者マーラ氏の記事が公開されました。
2.16 日経新聞から記事が公開されました。






(株)ZEBRAS AND COMPANY: https://www.zebrasand.co.jp

(株)イミュー : https://www.immue.co.jp/

(株)ミヨオーガニック: https://miyo-organic.com/

(株)AsMama: https://asmama.jp

(株)和える: https://a-eru.co.jp


月に1回(12:00-13:00)、Tokyo Zebras UniteはFacebook Liveでゼブラ企業に関する情報をゲストを招いてパネルディスカッション形式でお届けしています。ラジオ感覚で聞けるイベントとなっています。アーカイブ、Spotifyにても配信しています。ぜひお聞きください。

Tokyo Zebras Uniteではnoteにてゼブラ企業に関する記事を投稿してます。ZU米国の記事翻訳やZebras Cafeの記事化もしています。



Tokyo Zebras Uniteのオンラインコミュニティに参加しませんか?ご興味のある方は、こちらからお手続きください。同時に世界中に存在する40のチャプター、4,000人以上のメンバーからなるZebras Uniteのコミュニティへもご参加できます。ご質問などあれば tokyo@zebrasunite.com までご連絡をお願いします。

Zebras Uniteにご興味のある方は、MediumTwitterをぜひフォローお願いします。


Zebras Unite

Zebras Uniteは、起業家によって始められた起業家のためのムーブメントです。社会をよりよくするために活動されている方たちと様々な形で資本やコミュニティ、カルチャーを創っていきます。

ご興味のある方はZebras Uniteのウェブサイト(英)やこれまでに掲載されたメディアをご覧ください。


Tokyo Zebras Unite

Welcome to Tokyo Zebras Unite, the local Chapter of the global Zebras Unite community! We’re glad that you’re here. And we look forward to meeting you.

Your Chapter plays a critical role in connecting and supporting members of the Zebras Unite community, representing the global movement at a local level and sharing local content, learnings, and programs with other Chapters around the world. Zebras Unite relies on each of its chapters to bring unique insights—and illuminate the most pressing challenges—thereby informing a global movement that benefits Zebras everywhere. 

What’s a Zebra?

Unlike unicorns, Zebras are real. Zebra companies are both black and white. They are profitable and improve society. They won’t sacrifice one for the other. Zebra organizations are also mutualistic. By banding together in groups, they protect and preserve one another. Their individual experience results in stronger collective outcomes. 


News (more details than above)

June.16 The Japanese government made an announcement regarding its basic policy to promote "ZEBRA" in the "Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2023" and the "Grand Design and Implementation Plan for a New Capitalism."
Apr.19 Tokyo Zebras Unite co-founder Yoshi speaks at "Cartier Women's Conference
Mar.15 Zebras Unite co-founder Mara's article appeared in PIVOT
Feb.16 An article appeared in Nikkei
Feb.15, Article on Zebras enterprises Values appeared in BizZine
Dec. 17, Interview with the founders appeared in Nikkei ESG
Jul. 13, Article about Zebras enterprises appeared in DIAMOND SIGNAL

Many other media and events!


Meet Co-Leads

Yoshi Tabuchi
Passionate about empowering and working with young leaders who are building the future. With the entrepreneurial spirit, he works with a foundation, entrepreneurs of both for-profit and non-profit and artists. He is also a judge/jury of Cartier Women’s Initiative Award and MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge. Former Accelerator Manager for LGT Venture Philanthropy, a global impact investor improving the quality of life of less advantaged people. He sourced, evaluated and prepared investments for early stage social enterprises, and conducted acceleration work for those organizations. Prior to LGT VP, Yoshi was in the aviation industry, before moving on to renewable energy, where he was responsible for origination and M&A deals for large-scale solar power projects in Japan and in North and South America. Yoshi holds a Master’s in Business Administration from IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain. Originally from Japan, Yoshi has worked and studied in various regions including the United States, Europe, Africa and South East.

Yuji Suyama
Founder, Ishinan Inc.
Yuji provides management support and business development for socially responsible companies mostly in the fields of impact investing and sustainable urban planning. Prior to his current work, he had supported entrepreneurs, business development and advocacy work for start-up companies at a venture capital/consulting company in Japan. He also has an experience with a policy making for energy industry after the Tohoku earthquake and for consumer electric industry at Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Yuji holds a Master’s in System Design Management from Keio University and a Bachelor’s in Ethics from Tokyo University in Japan.


Get Connected

Interested in being part of Tokyo Zebras Unite? Here is a link to the online community. If you have any questions, please email to tokyo@zebrasunite.com

Join your peers from Japan as well as more than 4,000 fellow Zebras from 40 Chapters around the world in the Zebras Unite Community

Interested in learning more before getting involved? Follow Zebras Unite on Medium or Twitter. Or consider contacting us directly

About Zebras Unite

Zebras Unite is a movement for and by founders. We build capital, community, and culture for and with people who are growing businesses that are better for the world.

For more information, visit Zebras Unite or read our recent media coverage.